Sunday, 29 July 2007

Rhythm and Beat

50 minutes into my run, the damned battery went on my MP3 player. Did I have a spare? Of course not! Having had this happen once before, I was a little stressed because Im the sort of person who needs music to run. My own rhythm and beat are not enough to keep me going. But determined to keep on going, I remembered what BF said to me last week: "Do you want to underachieve or overachieve?" Well, Im not as competitive as him, so to achieve is enough, but I dont want to underachieve, so I keep going. I didnt push myself to run faster, or for longer, and stuck to the routine of 2 mins running, 2 mins walking. Having been overcast and cool when I left, around mile 4 is started to warm up. Luckily for me, between mile 4 and 5 there are a couple of shops, so water was available when I needed it. Bought some chocolate raisins, and the noise of them in the box aggravated me so much it was unbelievable. But despite the heat, and lack of music, I managed to clock just over 10 miles in 2:36:18.

1 comment:

Chris said...

Chocolate raisens are fine, just dont try the Lucazade engery tablets, they make me run with energy... and not in the way I thought they would!